Tonight I made a creamy salmon/mushroom/garlic soup. It was pretty good! I bought a new cookbook and was a little worried because it doesn't have step-by-step photos like my old cookbook, but this soup came out pretty well. (The ground chicken with boiled quail eggs I made yesterday didn't go so well, though. Win some, lose some.)
The school year has basically ended (since Japan is on an April - March school schedule). It will be my last graduation at this high school, and these were the students who were first years when I arrived here, so they are the first (and will be the only) students who I have taught through all three years of their high school experience.
No time to dwell on that, however, since at the beginning of April there will be a new crop of first years, in addition to a lot of new teachers. Japanese high school teachers generally work for the prefectural government, and they must move among different schools every few years. I'm not sure which teachers are leaving, but since the teachers rotate among the grades, the ones I teach with will change regardless. One more term left in Ito!
I close with this video. I wish I could provide some kind of cultural explanation, but I really don't know what's behind this. It's a commercial for thick instant noodles. That's all I've got. Does it make you want to buy them?